The excitement of The Night of Magic is coming back
After the great public success and participation for the edition of the last year, The Nights of Magic, an event organized by the Municipality of Albano di Lucania with the collaboration of Gal Basento Camastra and other associations in the area, is coming back. On the days 29, 30 and 31 of August, the small lucanian village dresses up for an emotional journey through magic, art, history and music.
The event is part of a framework with renewed attention for some elements that characterize the cultural identity of Albano. The magical and ritual world, therefore, that stands out in the pages of the ethno-anthropologist Ernesto de Martino, is read in with the languages of contemporary arts, in order to dialogue with the suggestions of the past.
The streets of Albano di Lucania will be popolated by witches and little monks, fortune tellers and street artists, musicians and actors, in a dreamlike atmosphere. The squares will be animated with shows of aerial acrobatics, juggling, balancing, groups of ethnic music, pipers with anthropological masks from Lavello, Satriano and San Mauro Forte, in addition to a living music box that will scan the topic moments of the event, with her sweet notes.
During the show, the magical-religious themed documentaries made by Luigi Di Gianni, an honorary citizen of Albano di Lucania, will be screened along the "path of memory". There will be also an exhibition of pictures of the 50s by the photographer Franco Pinna. Inside Palazzo Ducale pages from Sud e magia, written by De Martino, will be read.
Read the entire article on the Lucano Magazine